Readers’ Hints, Experiences,
and Pictures
“There are more things in heaven and earth …”
No floaters, but
a whole bunch of different subjective visual phenomena, as seen by reader
Karen. Floco comments from a physiological and spiritual perspective.
Karen: “I was diagnosed during an exam for eyeglasses
as having floaters about 2 years ago. I am 62 years old. I am not always
aware of them and yet I do have several direct experiences that I wanted
to share with you…”
Floco: Dear Karen, your list of such phenomena is a wonderful example
that “there are more things in heaven and earth, then are dreamt
of in your philosophy”, as Shakespeare’s Hamlet tells his
friend Horatio after having seen his dead father’s spirit. While
the only person who may give a definitive meaning to your phenomena
is you, I’ll gladly comment on them from my experience and knowledge,
as far as possible:

Some entoptic
phenomena: a) flying corpuscles; b) eye floaters; c) form constants;
d) afterimage (source).
K: “One: sometimes I see what I term ‘saran wrap’. It
is like a clear plastic film on the outer edge of my vision.”
F: Not
sure if I know that one. “Plastic film” sounds like there
might actually be something on the lens … ?
K: “Two:
In daylight I see little points of light that seem to be dancing and
moving in a delightful way.”
F: Your
description fits the “blue field entoptic phenomenon”, as
physiology calls that numerous dancing bright dots moving in curved
tracks. From a seer’s point of view, it’s energy (prana,
chi) moving in the shining consciousness structure.
K: “Three:
When in the shower and sometimes in bed if I close my eyes and touch
them with my hands, my vision becomes a shade of blue or green rather
than plain black.”
F: We
could call that one ‘mechanically (by pressure) induced phosphenes’.
Physiology tells us that it is generated by retinal neurons’ randomly
firing. It may have a holistic significance if we understand the induction
of phosphenes (mechanical, electrical, magnetic stimulation) as a way
to temporarily intensify our consciousness state or energy flow respectively.
Phosphenes, then, are the visual expression of energetic fields, generated
by this intensified flow of energy.
K: “Four:
When I meditate after a while I see a pulsating purple ring with a green
center. After some more time I begin to see pulsating gold and occasionally
gold lines that form to resemble human faces or animals.”
F: I guess
you see that with your eyes closed? I'd say it’s again phosphenes,
but this time induced by extending inner light, love, silence. Neurologically
speaking, through meditation you increase neuronal activity which becomes
evident in phosphenes lighting up. Spiritually speaking, you increase
your inner light which becomes evident in your field of vision.
K: “Five:
When I close my eyes in the dark at times I see pinpoints of light before
things fade out, occasionally with a blue dot as well.”
F: Possibly
a mixture of so-called after-images – representing visual memories
of objects, fading out after a while – and phosphenes. From a
seer’s point of view, after-images are not entirely generated
by inner light (as they need outer light stimuli), but they may nevertheless
be a vehicle to explore the ‘inner screen’, as they are
between waking and dream state.
K: “Six:
In the sunlight sometimes my visual field becomes a big orange dot.
Other times the dot will change colors that seem to match the chakras.”
F: Outer
and inner light may dye our visual field in different colors. I’m
aware of the interesting link of these colors to chakras, but did not
go into detail until now. Fact is that there are different systems of
subtle energy centers in the human body. If you see different colors
that you manage to attribute to different consciousness states, I suggest
that you create your own ‘chakra’-system.
K: “Seven:
Sometimes in meditation or when meditating I see black wiggly lines
that seem to be little insects like ants or worms. Occasionally they
form into an animated cartoon such as a scene in Egypt or something
else like a farm.”
F: Like
point four, it’s probably phosphenes. They seem to be in between
the crystal clear floater lights and visual dreams. Dreams seem to be
born out of inner visual light; light is transformed into thoughts and
images by our consciousness in a certain state; in other states, we
may be able to perceive the light directly, as colored phosphenes, or
as bright floater dots.
K: “Eight:
When I look at trees I see light around their tops that seems to move
like energy.”
F: A phenomena
of phosphene-like after-images. Or, more spiritually, it‘s the
trees’ auras. During my time of learning with my mentor seer Nestor,
I focused a lot on after-images to practice visual attention towards
inner light phenomena. To me – and without the intention to reduce
auras to physiology – aura seeing includes processes of after-images.
K: “Nine:
Occasionally I will see a small band of light around a person or a column
of light coming up from their crown especially if they channel I can
see or sense they are being overshadowed by a being of Christ consciousness
(the only ones I invite in for channeling).”
F: Physiologically,
it might be some phosphene / after-image / aura phenomenon. To people
interested in aura seeing, it will definitely have some spiritual meaning
which I'm not familiar with.
K: “Ten:
On a few occasions I saw a face with emerald green features appear above
someone’s head who was having a vivid emotional response.”
F: Same
as no. 9.
K: “Eleven:
Once I brought a candle into a dark bathroom. After a few minutes of
gazing at my face in the mirror it seemed to change shapes and looks
F: A well-known
creepy effect. Physiologically, I think it’s after-images that
blur your face. To me, it’s a nice experience that shows that
it’s not a solid world we live in.
Thanks again for sharing
your phenomena!
-- Floco