Further Holistic Vision News: Archive

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"Holistic Vision"
Head of Eye Floaters News
3/12 (No. 15)

This article provides a trip to the visual worlds of Mesopotamia.
Current Lead Story:
Shamash, Ishtar and Igigi – Floater structures in ancient Mesopotamia


Stripline  in  the Eye Floaters News


Open eye meditation on eye floaters

This is the latest issue of “Holistic Vision”, the spiritual project by the author and consciousness researcher Floco Tausin. It is devoted to a phenomenon known as idiopathic or harmless “eye floaters” or “muscae volitantes” (see pictures) among ophthalmologists. We see them as scattered, mobile, transparent dots and strings in our visual field. “Holistic Vision” includes ophthalmology but questions its conclusion on floaters and goes beyond. For the observation and open eye meditation reveals a connection between altered states of consciousness and the way floaters look. Furthermore, a look at different cultures highlights floaters as an object of art and spirituality. By this “holistic vision”, Floco Tausin pursues the question whether these spheres and strings are first appearances of a shining structure of consciousness within which we cover a distance to our spiritual origin – a path that lights up through open eye meditation.

Read further …


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News Content

1) Lead Story: “Shamash, Ishtar and Igigi”

2) Readers’ Hints, Experiences, and Pictures: Concentric rainbow circles and eye floaters
3) Nestor's Knowledge on Eye Floaters: compressing and penetrating the layers of consciousness
4) Quarterly Picture: Diagram: Eye Floaters and other subjective visual phenomena by Floco Tausin
5) About the Author’s Projects: publications by Floco Tausin
6 ) Last but not Least: readers’ comments on the Holistic Vision Project


Stripline  in  the Eye Floaters News

Lead Story

Shamash, Ishtar and Igigi – Floater structures in ancient Mesopotamias

In Western culture, the phenomenon of eye floaters (or muscae volitantes) is primarily understood in line with modern ophthalmology as “vitreous opacities”. However, the review of visual arts from former and non-Western cultures representing mythical and spiritual ideas discloses abstract symbols that resemble the typical structures of “shining structure floaters”. This suggests that floaters have been widely interpreted as a mythical or spiritual phenomenon; and that there might be a perceptual dimension of floaters that is hardly known to modern man. This article provides a trip to the visual worlds of Mesopotamia and suggests that floaters have found their way into the art and imagination of this ancient civilization.

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Readers’ Hints, Experiences, and Pictures

Concentric rainbow circles and eye floaters

Blogger Enck suggests a relationship between eye floaters and the concentric circles which appear when we concentrate on eyelashes that reflect and scatter the sun light. Is there really a relationship?

Enck Kanaj, author of the blog “Love Eye Floaters” (News 4/11), recently published a collection of his eye floater theories as an ebook titled “The Crystal Eye Floater”. Enck is inspired by many sources, including Western physics and optics and the Dzogchen teachings of Tibetan Buddhism. Parts of the book consists in repeating existing theories on floaters, but he also contributes some original, interesting and daring reflections and links to the alternative understanding of eye floaters. I’m going to present some of his materialistic and spiritual approaches over the next couple of newsletters.


“Enck states that “under specific conditions of visual perception, the tiny circles [of shining structure floaters] become larger,

“Enck states that “under specific conditions of visual perception, the tiny circles [of shining structure floaters] become larger,
concentric circles” (source).


Enck states that “under specific conditions of visual perception, the tiny circles [of shining structure floaters] become larger, concentric circles”. The conditions he has in mind: squinting the eyes while gazing into the sun light. We should then be able to see large dots with several concentric circles in the rainbow colored background which appears in our visual field when light is scattered on our eyelashes. Enck suggests a close relationship between floaters and the rainbow circles: “Moreover, while squinting, the circles can become a rainbow of concentric circles when we enter a relaxation state and look at rays emanating from a full-spectrum light … The sun’s rays, after falling from above and being dissolved into rainbow components in the eyelashes, pass through the tiny circles by obtaining the rainbow ones.” Enck refers to Western optical concepts like the “Newton’s Rings” and “structural color” to explain the relationship between floaters and circles: “The rainbow concentric circles of floaters are structural colors caused by interference effects that take place at first in our eyelashes and then in the tiny spheres”.

Very interesting, but also a big question mark to me: Regardless of the optical processes which, by the way, imply that floaters are located in the vitreous – to me, there is a clear visual difference between the rainbow circles and shining structure floaters regarding motion, structure, location and color. Of course, different appearances do not necessarily exclude a relationship or continuity between two subjective visual phenomena – in fact, I propose some relationships between phenomena that are completely different in terms of physiology (cf. Tausin 2012). However, as seers we should base any continuity on our subjective seeing. In the case of floaters and rainbow circles, I have not been able to comprehend the alleged continuity in my seeing. Maybe some of the readers have similar or different experiences with floaters and rainbow circles?

Thanks, Enck, for sharing your experiences and thoughts!
-- Floco


- Kanaj, Enck (2012): The Crystal Eye Floater. EBookIt. ebookit.com (13.6.12)
- Tausin, Floco (2012): Eye Floaters and other subjective visual phenomena (diagram). eye-floaters.info (6.6.12)


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Nestor's Knowledge on Eye Floaters

Compressing and penetrating the layers of consciousness

Eye floaters and their meaning were interpreted differently depending on the time, culture and personality of the observer. We learn a spiritually meaningful perspective about floaters from Nestor, the seer, with whom I have studied and whose teachings I recorded in the book „Mouches volantes – Eye Floaters as Shining Structure of Consciousness“. In this category, a particular statement from the book on floaters shall be presented and explained.

»[T]he space between you and the cup consists of an infinite number of layers. If you pull the cup towards you, this doesn’t mean that you’re penetrating these layers; you’re merely squeezing them together, you’re compressing them. Even if you press the cup against your forehand – there is still the same number of layers in between them. That’s why I say that you cannot come closer to the cup in your consciousness if you invest physical energy.«

From: Mouches Volantes – Eye Floaters. The Shining Structure of Consciousness, p. 221

From: Mouches Volantes – Eye Floaters. The Shining Structure of Consciousness, p. 221. (source)


Based on the central notions about the “layers of consciousness” (cf. News 1/2012), Nestor explains why we are actually unable to reach the objects in our everyday world.

To reach an object implies to reduce the distance between it and the observer. Visually speaking, the object appears big and near in our visual field. In everyday consciousness, we are used to approach the object or pull it towards us, in order to experience it big and near. This physical way of “reaching” something requires the concentration and aligning of our psycho-physical energy. We concentrate our energy and activate the corresponding bodily organs with it. Concentration means preventing the energy to flow directly and ecstatically into the picture as a whole; it means communicating with the picture indirectly, i.e. by the way of our body, our sensory organs, our mind etc. A seer directly sees what that visually means: The objects in the picture appear more intense and brighter, but also smaller and remote. In Nestor’s words: through concentration, we do not penetrate the layers of consciousness, just compress them. This is why the seers call it an illusion to believe that we can be close to objects and persons just by getting near them actively and physically. This also applies to the psychical or mental world: All kinds of mental concentration or effort reduce or interrupt the free flow of energy between ourselves and the picture.

According to the seers, getting near or being one in its profound sense is possible only by penetrating the layers of consciousness. They have observed that this happens when deeply relaxed in intense states of consciousness. In principle, this corresponds to the philosophical and religious ideas that propagate liberation through self-sacrifice, devotion, humility and other forms of “relaxation” towards the divine, our predestination, our duties etc. We all have experienced that doing things in a more relaxed state often leads to better results. The seers tell us that this is a profound mystical principle which leads, in intense consciousness states, to metaphysical oneness with the observed.



- Tausin, Floco: Mouches Volantes – Eye Floaters. The Shining Structure of Consciousness, Bern 2009, (ISBN: 978-3033003378).


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Quarterly Picture

Diagram: Eye Floaters and other subjective visual phenomena

The category "Quarterly Picture" introduces realistic, artistic and/or spiritual/religious representations from different cultures and times which could show entoptic phenomena, or be inspired by it.

Shining structure floaters are a subjective and very individual phenomenon: The number, shapes, movement and luminosity of our floaters differ from those of our fellow observers’ floaters. Also, there are different types of such phenomena, all of them are referred to as “floaters”, although they do not have the same look and causes. Plus, there are a number of further subjective visual phenomena with different physiological terms, such as “after-images”, “blue field entoptic phenomenon”, “phosphenes” etc., which may be confused with floaters. It is difficult to share such subjective perceptions with people if it’s not quite clear what the other person actually sees.

Floco Tausin: Eye floaters and other subjective visual phenomena (2012).

Floco Tausin: Eye floaters and other subjective visual phenomena (2012). (source)


Therefore, I have designed a diagram that allows observers of subjective visual phenomena to compare and relate their perceptions. Based on the current physiology, the diagram designates different types of such phenomena and provides the corresponding images. They are arranged according to the teaching of the Emmental seers and related to each other. For example, I distinguish phenomena that are produced by “matter” from those induced by “consciousness light”. It is possible, then, to differentiate between “vitreous floaters” (vitreous opacities) and “shining structure floaters”. In addition, I illustrate how these phenomena change their look according to three differently intense states of consciousness. Finally, the phenomena are explained by both Physiology and the teaching of the seers.

The diagram is ready to view or download on eye-floaters.info. It is an attempt to classify some of the different subjective visual phenomena. It is not exhaustive. If you, dear reader, miss some phenomena, please let me know.

Link: eye-floaters.info

You will find simillar entoptic pictures in the gallery. Do you have drawings of eye floaters or other entoptic phenomena (flying corpuscles, afterimages etc.)? Do you know of realistic, artistic and religious representations of such appearances? Then send me the picture or give me the tip; I would like to publish it in the newsletter and/or in the gallery.


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About the Author’s Projects


Publications by Floco Tausin


Publications by Floco Tausin

You’ll find a complete list with all previous publications in German and English (monographs, anthologies, magazines) at Website.
These articles are also available in the member area.

Lights from the Other World - Floater structures in the visual arts of modern and present-day shamans
This article is based on the assumption that prehistoric shamanic rituals include the perception, interpretation and depiction of what we today call “eye floaters” (muscae volitantes). It is suggested that, together with other shamanic symbols, floaters continue to be experienced and depicted in later shamanic societies up to the present day. The present article supports this thesis from the examples of modern Siberian and contemporary Tukano shamans. A closer look at their visual arts reveals geometric structures and characteristics that are typical of eye floaters.

- Ovi Magazine, May 2012. ovimagazine.com (22.5.12)
- Ufodigest, 5.5.12. ufodigest.com (15.5.12)
- New Age Spirituality (May 2012). new-age-spirituality.com (15.5.12)


From Prehistoric Shamanism to Early Civilizations: Eye Floater Structures in Ancient Egypt
This article is based on the assumption that prehistoric shamanic rituals include the perception, interpretation and depiction of what we today know as eye floaters (muscae volitantes). It is suggested that, together with other shamanic symbols, floaters continue to be experienced and depicted not only in later shamanic societies up to the present day, but also entered the visual arts of early civilizations. The present article supports this thesis from the example of ancient Egypt. A closer look at Egyptian visual arts reveals geometric structures and characteristics that are typical of eye floaters. It is speculated that two central mythological concepts, the sun and the world, are directly or indirectly inspired by the perception of floaters.

- International Journal of Healing and Caring (IJHC) 12, No. 2 (May) 2012. wholistichealingresearch.com (1.5.12)


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Last but not Least

Readers‘ comments on the Holistic Vision Project

“Pls remove from the list. I am very busy w family matters.”
-- Mike

“I never thought of my floaters in a positive way until now. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Wishing you the best. :) I feel wonderful now.”
-- Evan

Thanks so much for your feedbacks. Yes, let’s be conscious and balanced in all of our matters, be it entoptics or family!

-- Floco

Imprint of the Eye Floaters News

I would like to remove the quarterly appearing newsletter "Holistic Vision"


Further Holistic Vision News: Archive

Floco Tausin: Eye floaters and other subjective visual phenomena (2012).